tisdag 18 augusti 2015

Sometimes I wish I could fly...

 ... around in the world...

... and land wherever I'd want to.

torsdag 30 april 2015

tisdag 10 mars 2015

Think about the sweetest thing on earth.....
feel the parfume from the best smelling thing you can imagine....
 dream about the best time of a year....
 feel the sun shine right into your heart, onto your face....
 and let the love in to your core.
You will survive - you will conquer the world!
Someday it IS your turn to be the one others dream to be, the one that others wish they were.
Stay true - stay you!

torsdag 8 januari 2015

One night in december I was going to bed. It was half past two, that time it´s usually very dark in southern Sweden. This night it was not dark at all, it had been snowing and now a big fog was holding the sky in a firm grip. I grabbed my camera and took a few shots outside of my back door, confused and tired, forgot that my outdoor lamp was lit - explaining the yellow light in my picture.....
b/w cyan filter
b/w red filter
colors changed

totally screwed up
Lesson learned:

It's tough to change yellow snow into white *LOL*