lördag 16 november 2013

I need to stop missing all of you who don't miss me
I have too much time to think of all of those who don't think of me....
I have to fill my days with other pleasent things than wishing to change reality to the fairytale I'm living in.....
I want to feel happy with what I've got
But it's hard to change a life long behavior...

tisdag 10 september 2013


 and Yellow
and all the other collors of the world.

The heart is filled with them all
From time to time
the heart goes black
The mind goes Blind
but the soul stays shining still

Somewhere is that shooting star
that brings it all to explode
in all the collors of the world

When it's lit
it shines so bright
When it's dark
it's black all night

Right now it's collored by pink and blue
with green and white and red so true

My rainbow is my glowing light
It keeps me living
It keeps me up

My heart is collors
My life is paint

So lit me upp with a twinch of pink 

tisdag 7 maj 2013

Up, up in the sky
Fly, fly around

Down, down on the ground
Feel your heart pound

Far, far away
But yet so nearby

Love is in the air
And where there's air - there's love
I love air!

tisdag 12 februari 2013

onsdag 6 februari 2013

You are beautiful 
in every kind of way 
Your heart is wonderful 
at every corner of it's shape

I love you very much 
You are there for me even at my worst times 
There is no greater feeling in the world

You are my heart 
My soul 
My everything.

måndag 4 februari 2013

First I hide in my cocoon
Then I rise in the shadows 
Later I will bloom in your heart

Just give me water 
Care for me, love me

And I will never leave you.

torsdag 24 januari 2013